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Teacher of English Language / Kaiako Reo Rua
At the core of Te Kura Tuarua o Taraika ki Pukeahu (WHS) are Whānau, Excellence, Respect and Ora. Applicants will be committed to continuing the prioritisation of Mātauranga Māori and joining our kura on its journey to being bicultural. We are a coeducational non-uniform school located on Pukeahu. We have a growing relationship with Te Atiawa which supports our kura’s access to the wider community of Te Whanganui-a-Tara, and its potential local curriculum.
We are looking for a suitably qualified and experienced teacher of English as a Second Language (ESOL) to join our Languages Faculty from the start of Term2, 2025. This is a fixed-term, full-time position for terms 2 and 3 to cover for a colleague on parental leave.
The successful applicant will be an experienced practitioner who is able to work with and support our students, contributing to the development of an inclusive and supportive environment.
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I te kiko o Te Kura Tuarua o Taraika ki Pukeahu ko te Whakaute, Whānau, Kairangi me te Ora. Ko kaitono e hiahia ana he tangata ka mātua i ngā whāinga o Te Mātauranga Māori, ā ka hoe tahi ai i te waka kākanorua e whakatere ai e te kura. He kura ira katoa, kakahu ōpaki kei te maunga o Pukeahu. E tipu ana ngā hononga ki Te Atiawa, ā, ka hapai tō mātou āheitanga ki te takiwā o Te Whanganui-a-Tara me ngā tini ara mō te mārau a rohe.
Kei te rapu mātou i tētahi Kaiako Reo Rua māraurau ā mōhio hoki, ki a kuhu ki te rōpū Wharereo mai i te Timatanga o Wahanga 2, 2025. Ko te tangata ka riro i a te tūranga nei he kaiako wheako he pukenga ōna ki te tautoko i ngā tauira, ka whakatinana i ngā whakaaro kia manaaki i te taiao-ā-kura.
He tūranga hamaga hōpapa tēnei kia kōpapa tētahi kaiako e kōhanga pēpi ana. He tūranga ukiuki hōpapa mo ngā Wahanga 2 me te 3 2025.
Kotahi noa te ara tono, mā te tuku ki:
Mō ngā patai tuku ā-imera ki